The Arab Spring & Big, Bad, Scary Muslims
Yes, that was the cover of the most recent edition of The Atlantic, one of America’s foremost magazines on foreign affairs, politics and culture. At […]
Yes, that was the cover of the most recent edition of The Atlantic, one of America’s foremost magazines on foreign affairs, politics and culture. At […]
The Israeli-Palestinian marriage is reaching a monumental tipping point. With a right-wing Israeli government that has basically told the world it does not want to […]
As a Palestinian-American, I have spent the last week glued to my television set. The Palestinian-Israeli saga has been in headlines daily. After over 60 […]
It’s May 15. Israeli Independence Day. Nakba Day. Israelis “celebrate” this day. We Palestinians “commemorate” it. “Celebrate” and “commemorate” mean entirely different things. As Americans, […]
A few weeks ago, I returned from a month-long trip in Palestine, where I performed some comedy shows, ate too much hummus (yes, that’s possible), […]
Osama bin Laden is gone… finally. His death will save lives. It will also change lives around the world. America is gasping a collective sigh […]
Today, Pastor Terry Jones of Florida tried to burn a Quran in Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn is home to the most concentrated Arab-American community outside of […]
One of the perils in writing about the Palestine/Israel question is that one can sometimes be misunderstood. There are so many nuances that when one […]
For Palestinians, Christmas is very special. We’re related to Jesus. My family is from Nazareth, and I’m pretty sure they’re direct descendants of some of […]
Helen, don’t you know that you can’t say the Jews should get the hell out of Palestine? Don’t you know it’s not even called Palestine? […]
As an Arab-American, Thanksgiving is an especially wonderful holiday. I have even more things to be thankful for than the average non-Arab-American. America is the […]
When Aladdin came out, I was a teenager. I thought it was awesome. Finally, Disney made a movie about us. There was Aladdin, our hero, […]
There are a few things I know about Barack Obama. I know that he was born in Hawaii. I know that his father was Kenyan, […]
Israel attacked (not surrounded, not redirected… attacked) a ship bringing supplies to Gaza, which has been blockaded by Israel for 3 years now. Why did […]
Dear Rima, I’d like to give you my number, but that would be way too forward and Arab of me. So I won’t. Congratulations. We […]
Invariably, a crazy Muslim or Arab does something crazy every now and then. We have our share of crazies like everyone else. And just as […]
On the 2010 Census form, as on almost every other form that asks one to identify his race, there is no box for “Arab-American.” Now, […]
Something funny is happening in Israel. There’s trouble in paradise. Last week, on March 10, CNN ran a front-page story on the death of Rachel […]
Less than a week ago, I was performing at a private party for about 75 Arab-Americans in the suburbs of Detroit. The setting was a […]
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